My 2nd week homework slides

Student ID: 49923230

Name: 陳柏村

Date: 2015/10/01

Homework reference

Homework details

Please refer to the following webKoml course blog

For watching the course videosVimeo professor's record



Connecting to my recording videosMy vimeo homework list

What engineers do?

studying highlight and reviews


1.Engineers do creative work.

2.Engineers must slove difficult problems within the time and cost limitations.

3.Engineers are professionally responsible for the safety and performance of their designs.

Engineering Education

1.Engineering curriculum contains subjects may be divided into four categories.

a. Science(physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)

b. Engineering Science

c. Applied Engineering

d. Humanities and Social Sciences

Engineering problem solving: A classical perspective

1. Science

An engineering science subject presents the principles of science in a form well-suited for the solution of a particular class of engineering problem.

2. Applied Engineering

The applied engineering subjects are concerned with the art of engineering. A typical applied engineering subject is engineering design.

3. Humanities and social sciences

Humanities and social science are important cuz an engineer usually must deal with people and problems associated with people.

If someone ask me what engineers do, I'd say creating things. No matter you are creating a product, a component or even a process. It's still a kind of creation. What's we have learned in the university is learning communication skills and teamwork. That's what I think. According to study "what engineers do".It tells us that there are 3 important things, which are science, applied engineering and humanities and social sciences. As I said what we have learned in the university is the third one, which is Humanities and social sciences.

Computer in Engineering

A computer is any electronic device that sloves problems by processing data according to instructions from a program.

Increased use of computers in manufacturing has led to many innovative changes. Most of these are covered by the term Computer Integrated Manufacture(CIM).

CIM covers all aspects of a manufacturing enterprise:

Product design

Process design

Design for assembly


Concurrent engineering

Product scheduling

Quality control


Customer support

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Leo Editor Tutorial

Python Leo Editor (Leo 編輯器) 是大綱管理器, 是文字編輯器, 是程式開發 IDE, 是網站內容管理器, 也是 LaTeX 資料編輯器, 任何能夠以 Python 程式管理的工具, 都可以從 Python Leo Editor (Leo 編輯器) 套件中轉換而得.

Leo 編輯器 (Leo Editor) 畫面包含:

大綱區 (Outline pane) - 專案的大綱內容

內文區 (Body pane) - 與大綱對應的內文

紀錄區 (Log pane) - 顯示執行結果之紀錄

緩衝指令區 (Minibuffer) - 直接下特殊執行指令用

執行狀態區 (Status area) - 顯示執行狀態

圖標指令區 (Icon area) - 以按鍵或圖像顯示可執行指令


小藍色方形盒(blue box): 表示節點有內文(body text).

紅色直條(red vertical bar): 表示節點已標示(marked).

紅色圓形箭頭(circular arrow): 表示節點已複製(cloned).

打造leo editor可攜套件可連結至推廣教學網站

About LeoEditor, before I start using leoeditor I was using SciTE to make the slides and pages. But it's quite difficult to type in when you see too much codes in front of your eyes. After using LeoEditor, it helps us can easily find the place that we want to add, change or even delete the contents. Which can save quite much time for us. Very convenient.

1st homework recording videos

w1hm from Felix on Vimeo.